Simply Photos Website Preview

Simply Photos Website for photography business


Jan '23 - Feb '23

Web Developer

This site focuses on promoting the skills and abilities of the business. Muted colours draw attention to their work and do not distract the user.

This project leverages TailwindCSS for styling, Cloudinary for image hosting, Next.JS and Vercel for hosting.

Solo Project

💸 Random Fact: This was the my highest paying job to date!

Zacchary's Blog Website Preview

Blog My corner of the internet


Jan '19 - Present

Web Developer

I've been writing articles since 2019 and have found it to be incredibly useful for retaining information about a variety of topics. Working on this project has helped me learn a lot about Web Development.

This project leverages TailwindCSS for styling, Cloudinary for image hosting, Supabase for tracking view counts, Spotify API for tracking what's currently playing, Next.JS and Vercel for hosting.

Solo Project

👨‍💻 Random Fact: This project is an amazing playground for experimentation!

Zacchary's Livestream Website Preview

Livestream Website for personal livestreams and clips


Mar '22 - Present

Web Developer

This project started out as a simple video sharing solution that had working embeds primarily for Discord and Twitter. It's evolved a bit since then to become my own livestreaming site.

This project leverages TailwindCSS for styling, Cloudflare Stream and Mux for video hosting, Supabase for tracking view counts, comments and like counts, Next.JS and Vercel for hosting.

Solo Project

🚩 Random Fact: This project was the first time I leveraged an API!

Savvy Electrical Website Preview

Savvy Electrical and Data Website for local electrician business


Jun '21 - Jul '21

Web Developer

This site was provides basic online presence for the company allowing them some additional exposure.

This project leverages custom TailwindCSS for styling, Next.JS Static Exports and GitHub Pages for hosting.

Solo Project

💰 Random Fact: This was my first paid project!

Miden Baptist Website Preview

Minden Baptist Church Website for local church


May '21 - May '21

Web Developer

This website would go onto replace the existing site that was very out of date at the time.

This project leverages custom CSS templates for styling, Gatsby and GitHub Pages for hosting.

Solo Project

🥇 Random Fact: This was the first project I worked on!